Canada’s election, the Britney and Obama factor
Talking to CBC Radio producers about the US / Canadian elections coming up. Yes, Canada’s PM just called an election. It’s like when Britney Spears gets press…the fastest way to get press is to talk about Britney Spears.
American translation: In a parliamentary system, a Prime Minister can call a federal election when she or he thinks it will be politically advantageous or necessary for her or his party. It will tough for conservative PM Harper if the economy hits the skids even worse and Obama wins.
Canadian translation: Britney Spears is the potential new VP nominee for the Democratic party in the US contemplating a response to recent Republican VP pick and so-called hockey “mom” Sarah Palin (her son who played hockey is already grown and out of the house and serving in the Middle East).
October 3rd, 2019 at 9:15 am
La medicación ayuda a facilitar el mecanismo vascular que lleva la sangre a los genitales, pero para que la medicación tenga el efecto deseado el hombre tiene que estar excitado. Es objeto de chistes y hasta el gracejo popular ha inventado varios sinónimos ingeniosos para describirla, pero la disfunción eréctil (DE) —la incapacidad para conseguir o mantener una erección satisfactoria— no es para tomarla a broma.
October 17th, 2019 at 3:18 pm
To understand whether to use the drug, you need to know what effect it has. Antibiotics-abbreviated name of the group of antibacterial drugs. These substances destroy the microbes that are the cause of the disease, and therefore are very effective for the treatment of many conditions.
November 13th, 2019 at 4:27 am
Cuando la pérdida de cabello que sufrimos es muy severa, no existen muchos remedios que tengan una completa eficacia.