Archive for the “geek” Category

Vote for my SXSW panels

Monday, August 20th, 2007

The panel picker just launched. If you’d like to see these panels happen, then lay 5 stars on ’em. And have your pals do the same. It would make me very happy.

• Gossip isn’t just for breakfast anymore. It’s the new news, and at the heart of the much of the new content, viral marketing, the new investment analysis and the new business model. Do we have time for facts? Owen Thomas from Valleywag will be on the panel as will some very different folks.

• What Will Replace the Studio Model Online? Somewhere between Goo Tube and Hollywood, there are new studio models trying to be born. With most models working to serve advertisers or tech needs of users, who is serving the creator’s point of view?

Vote now.Yes now.

Of course, The Heather Gold Show will be there too…

Supernova Interview Video: Tara Lemmey, Jerry Michalski and special guest Tantek

Saturday, June 23rd, 2007

We discuss: the government, technology,the Mafia and spam,and poptarts at the recent Supernova Conference.

Supernova 2007 – politics + democracy

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007
  • “The majority of the politial blogosphere, the data shows, are educated, whitem males.” – panel

    They needed to do a survey to learn that?

  • “I’ve learned from doing tech through the boom that you tell everyone about the new stuff, but you spend your time with people who really want to do something about it.” – Greg Elin

    General conclusion, (stated by Andrew Rasiejbut generally agreed by all) that the existing top-down mode of politics won’t really change out of fear (of what their opponents will say about them etc). Don’t look to Presidential politics (who use the Net to raise money but not civic engagement). Those who grow up with the Net as the norm will eventually demand and expect this.

    So the Net>political openness is like Gay marriage. We;ll get it for certain once the older set dies off.

  • Supernova 2007 – video discussion

    Wednesday, June 20th, 2007
  • While asking a question about getting to video audience online:
    “During the civil rights movement, the sherrif would make black people come into his office in order to vote and ask them how many bubbles are there in a bar of soap.” – Tom Mandel
    How Mr Mandel connected this to video, I am still uncertain.
  • What key content will drive people on to the net to watch? Very little says Lee Berke, except sports. Lee Burke, surprisingly, works for sports teams.
  • The video audience online is pretty small now, says Scoble. The top show is Rocketboom at 300,000. (here in the room) says 10-20,000 for his livecast. So Scoble chose a small niche attractive to advertisers and spends a lot of focus getting his posts to high Google rankings (via metadata and headlines) since most people experience the Internet via Google.
  • When we let people come imbed a player from our site into theirs with our content our traffic tripled- Scoble
  • – the democratic web video play by the Skype co-founders. (Jost is the “quality” MSM play). You can imbed this on your facebook page.
  • 14 cents/GB = cost of video. So is there a revenue model big enough to support this? Because if you get too populsr, how can you fund this?
  • How do we get an advertiser to recognize the value of our enthusiastic audience of 5-30,000 users? Good Night Burbank team member-Sanford Dickert. Answer was wait 5 years.
  • Other than Scoble and Goodnight Burbank, I was the only person I know i=of in the room actualy making stuff, and the only one making it long-form net-first. This point of view changes my interests and what I see:

    Vlogging Supernova 2007

    Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

    I’m bl/vlogging a geek / biz conference with a strong media twist this week. I’ll let you know when I’m doing some live streaming commentary. I’m not sure how quickly Ill post video. For now, I’m blogging and twittering (twitter name – heathr)

  • How do you price engagement or intention /attention – Deb Schulz
  • What you’re disintersted in is very important to marketers – Dick Costello Feedburner
  • Ev Williams makes the obivious statement that influential people in your life matter the most. He envisions a world of Burger King croissandwich sponsored people twittering and hotlisting their croissandwich love.
  • Turn media buyers into community evangelist – Deb Schultz
  • “I want what I want when I want it. Why is that so hard?” – Deb S.
    Because companies are as narcissistic as many parents. Service is left for religion. -hg
  • Max from Nielsen just said econometric. Wow I didn’t know you could turn marketing into physics. Why bother understanding or listening?
  • Lots more about the “new digital economy” and the “mystery” of how to get business to understand how to build word of mouth, community business. Women have been doing this for ages: Tupperware, Avon, Mary Kay. It’s about personal relationships, fun, community and being paid attention to.

    My thoughts on the coming more humanly/communicative company:

    Sales> service
    Marketing> community management / relationships

  • Scoop: New Chief Snark of tech is secretly a bundle of gushy fun

    Friday, June 15th, 2007

    owen thomas

    So my headline is a little long and not as pithy as I’d like. I bow down to my dear friend Owen Thomas, the king, er queen of headlines, who has just taken over Valleywag, leaving b=Business 2.0. Valleywag is the gossip rag, er pixelshmatta of Silicon Valley. It’s dubiously admired and rumored to not pay very well leaderNick Denton filled the hole left by Chris Nolan when she left the San Jose Mercury News.

    I love Owen. He is pure joy and wit. It will be interesting to see if that affects a business built on venomous snark. I prefer playful snark myself. A good joke doesn’t require mean-ness to be good (just truth) and Owen doesn’t have a mean bode in his bear-ish little bod.

    That’s my Prayer for Owen (not) Meany.

    Jonathan Coulton and indie creative success

    Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

    Fantastic post by Jonathan Coulton on his success as an indie artist on the Net. He is living the dream of the middle class musician many of us had working on music in the early Web days (I thinking specifically of my time in Apple’s early music and webcasting group in 96).

    I feel that the talk show will continue to grow in a similar (but not exactly similar) way. Although I envy the simplicity of pure performing sometimes. Just you and the audience. The talk show takes a lot more organizing, multiple cameras etc. But I love it so much. I love bringing people together. I love a mind/heart jam session.

    How do you see creative growth online happening for things other than music?

    Tip of the hairs to Derek Powazek for the link.

    If you have a hard time getting it to load, it’s probably because half the Internet is reading it.

    Nokia N93 slakes some of my iPhone thirst and Apple fervor.

    Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

    Nookia N93

    Stowe Boyd kindly loaned me a Nokia 93 cell phone which is pretty tricked out, most notably with a very high quality video camera.I plan to use this to vlog at the Supernova Conference in a few weeks (with the goal of making a tech/biz conference highly entertaining and insightful) and in general.

    This is my first Bluetooth, infrared device and i am very thrilled to say that I was able to sync all my contacts and calendar very easily with Apple’s iSync. Before a few moments ago, I was under the Applr-y impression that I’d need an iPhone to get that.

    No longer. Yay.

    The thing about loving Apple is, like many Jews with Israel, we need it to exist, celebrate its excellence and want it so much that we avoid acknowledging our own bad experiences with it.

    For example my Airport Extreme died while we were away Memorial Day. The Apple Store where I bought it couldn’t help me. Too bad for me. Its onla few years old. Why expect it to work?

    Related Link: MSFT=XIANS / APPL=JEWS. Listen. heather gold - nosh ep - Microsoft = Christians / Apple= JewsBuy.

    Our Lives As Atoms

    Tuesday, May 8th, 2007

    Mark Buchanan uses interesting scientific analogies to understand our social self-creating order (bigger than free will) and Abu Ghraib. He did this in the NYT and you can read it easily here.

    My notes on VON (Video on the Net) Jeff Jarvis’ talk.

    Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

    today a few more women
    people of colour
    at least 4 yarmulkes

    on stage:
    1 woman
    only white folks

    working party at night:
    1 guy dealing poker
    1 guy tending bar
    2 women in low-cut dresses
    4 different video games

    attending party:
    1 guy who told me that he threw ice down the dresses of the women working there and that they loved it
    1 guy who decided to caress my back before
    dozens of fun geeks and vloggers
    1 bubbewho played Guitar Hero
    There is a picture somewhere

    My notes on Jeff Jarvis’ talk. This stuff< > is my observations.

    what blogs didn’t do to get advertisers. happy that video can do

    find us
    ads track perf

    end blockbuster hit economy
    vastness that matters


    find the right voice
    direct, blunt, new roughness
    less slick

    never decide a new orthodoxy says Jeff
    300,000/hr is the cost on non-fiction TV

    it’s about recommending

    find things only by recommendations.

    about giving up control and figuring out how to make money out of that.

    viral is hard. “like a magnesium fire”

    the good stuff is made in series by people who care by peopel who care to watch

    creators distributors
    ad sales
    ad agencies

    determine standards for us all

    metrics-advertisers need it across all platforms, demos and patterns
    >value links and embeds more than just plays
    >need context of where they appear
    >trust and identity: how to identify who stuff comes from
    >how can the advertisers find us

    -simple need he saw when he came up w EW. we need new kinds of guides

    we’re all critics and we’re all networks

    blip like this

    guides/curatos: just find the good stuff

    promotion, traffic , infrastructure, ad sales (what we get fr tv)

    need protection against regulation

    creativity> new definition of better/best

    shelley: translating the currency of value to the currency of wealth

    “fame” confidence/ reliability

    site by eyephonic