Archive for the “life” Category

Internet time travel: before Nick Denton…

Friday, November 27th, 2009
I’m cleaning out the paper in my life and came across notes from my Internet Roast at SXSW 2000.

An email newsletter! Printed out! With exclamation marks! When I was working at start-up! with CEO!

Before Nick Denton and Valleywag, Michael Tchong’s newsletter Jacobyte offered an item about Seth Godin’s start-up before he was on book covers and 10,000 smackeroos for proof that you’d slept with a senior Internet exec. 

Oh those balloon and ahi tuna- filled times when Time-Warner giving out Palm pilots to launch a, ahem, print magazine about the Internet.

Today, Nick might make you pay him to run the photos of your tryst. 

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Thanksgiving in a suitcase

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

Our serious chef brought her stuff in a suitcase. Squash looks much more interesting in a suitcase.

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My web2expo (#w2e 09) Keynote: How to Tummel: Conversational Mechanics

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

If you’re interested in learning more I’m teaching a workshop in San Francisco Dec 4th.

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Something wonderful

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Watch the second half. Nature’s artistic triumph.

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If Steve Jobs were happy…

Thursday, November 5th, 2009
This is what he might look like. The Cult of Mac blog seems to agree.

Maybe it’s because he’s at the San Francisco Dyke March.

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For me, SF made the East Coast novel.

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

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Not getting what you want? Pull back.

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009


I believe that everything is connected. And that the most powerful place to look for truth are the nodes where people’s experiences and wisdom connect.

I learned this gem at a Rosh Hashanah dinner from a Wall St physics whiz who told me this was true of every brilliant person he’d every worked with: from theatre directors to theoretical physicists.

Implicit in this is trust. We try to force things or people when we act like our will is always what brings the results we want. If we are mature enough to pull back, we trust nothing bad will happen without More. Now. 

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I #BlameDrewsCancer that this amazing Co-Pilot idea didn’t happen sooner

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

I love Drew. He is living, all heart, out in public with cancer. He went as social with it as you can and now he is much bigger than cancer. In fact his cancer is going away!

At the bottom of this post he mentions starting a chemo co-pilot idea. I think this is brilliant and might work for a lot more than chemo. Ongoing pairing and encouragement can help so many people out of and through so many situations…from cancer to women funding their start-ups. I envision the scaling of these close ongoing bonds between people as one of the most transformative things the Web can do. 

 #womenwhotech #xxstartup #cancer #Drew #socialmedia #community++

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Social ninjas: Join me tonight for the first Tummel live video show.

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009
Heather Gold, Deb Schultz and Kevin Marks talk tummeling: the art of energetically bringing things together: tech, culture, business and people.

Watch and join us on Tues Sept 22nd at 7pm PST/10pm EST

How this started:

Kevin is was at the microphone at the Supernova conference a year or two ago addressing <a href=”“>Clay Shirky</a> who had presented his now classic book Here Comes Everybody. Kevin was insistent that there was often more to people randomly connecting and just showing up at places together. There must be people and methods which who played a serious role in making this thing happen. How do you deliberately create what is called community or a meaningful connection? Deb Schultz and I were there and so happy to meet a fellow traveller. We’d spent a lot time connecting businesses and people. We knew a lot in our own ways about how to deliberately create ways and spaces for meaningful connection. We all embraced the word tummeling. Kevin is a technologist, Deb creates business connections and I perform and create useful conversations. We are all sure that business and technology were created by and for people.

Join us tonight for our pilot live video podcast at with our first guest, tech and business advisor Jerry Michalski

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Ahoy maties, welcome to the Captain’s table

Monday, September 21st, 2009

several hundred feet long
New Island Festival
Governor’s Island, NY

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site by eyephonic