Archive for the “life” Category

Equality Summit v Courage Campaign

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Bear in mind that these two events had different purposes and here really hadn’t been an airing of what happened in the No on 8 campaign, which is why the Equality Summit happened, along with the question of what to do next. My experience so far

Equality Summit
>organized by dozens of groups and a committee of over 50
>expensive impersonal convention center
>rock hard bagels
>check you off on a list
>wifi available for pay ($14/day_ few power outlets)
>tables with tablecloths for seating
>panels with lawyers
>anger between audience and plenaries. Questions unanswered about past
>facilitators provided for breakout sessions with flip charts for writing notes
>multiple plenary sessions with opening and closing comments by politicians and everyone who politically had to be included
>Obama mentioned a few times from stage

Camp Courage
>organized by a few paid staff for Campaign Courage
>donated rec center in W Hollywood
>nice soft bagels, packets of trail mix, fruit, little powdered sugar donuts
>please find your own name on the registration list
>free wifi + many extension cords
>open seating in assigned small groups (6-8) with new people to meet
>storytelling sessions
>no focus on past
>people running own sessions with info structure
>no plenary sessions: multiple airings of stories from veteran organizers
>Obama campaign referenced a great deal (Camp Obama + Equality Camp models for Camp Courage): Mantra borrowed from Obama campaign for entire event and practice: Respect – Empower – Include


video: Eddie Murphy’s most openly gay moment (w Michael Jackson)

Friday, January 16th, 2009

Beyond the tranny hooker and Johnny Gill rumors. Beyond the loudly homophobic yet hilarious stand-up. The more rampant the homophobia, the more likely the DL. (Just ask Ted Haggard)

[on a related note: an excellent piece by Mo Kelly on African-American men and public performance of masculinity and what it’s meant for women]

Posted via email from heathergold’s posterous

my orange life

Thursday, January 15th, 2009 |

Posted via email from heathergold’s posterous

America needs gay people; my anti-DOMA rally speech

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

This was the first time I’ve addressed a rally. It was a thrill to stand where Harvey Milk stood and speak some truth to people. Is your dignity up to any one else?

The suit Harvey Milk was murdered in

Friday, January 9th, 2009

LGBT Historical Society Archives on temporary display at 18th and Castro

Posted via email from heathergold’s posterous

The sewing machine used for first rainbow flag

Friday, January 9th, 2009

By Gil Baker. The GLBT Historical Archives are showing at the corner of 18th and Castro. Amazing stuff.
Etta Perkins and Cora Latz’s 1974 commitment ceremony pics have me all ferklempt. Cora is wearing a tallis (Jewish prayer shawl)
I’ve never really imagined lesbians in the style and moment of the photos from my youngest years. It’s shocking.

Posted via email from heathergold’s posterous

“The great work begins…”

Friday, January 9th, 2009

The first production of Angels in America, one of my great inspirations.
Greatness begins small.

Posted via email from heathergold’s posterous

video: Cynthia Levin is my favourite comic you should have heard of. Here’s why.

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

Cynthia on MySpace

Cynthia is able to do Gilda Radner heart over head sweet, vulnerable stuff as well as hard-hitting and bitter and fantastic comedy without a sound.

She is part of the all-star line-up I have for the Heather Gold Show at SF Sketchfest on Jan 19th as we discuss Comedians on Depression with everyone. there’s may be tasty treats if you show me your meds “Let’s Make a Deal” style.

What the hell are you waiting for? Buy your tickets NOW.

But does it scale?

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

When people ask me about how I scale intimacy when I’m speaking about How to Tummel (Design for Conversation) what they’re asking is “how can I make money?”

Although I’m showing how intimacy does scale. I’m interested in this unarticulated, but intended question.

When you ask “how can I make money?” before “how can I bring value?” (or it’s seed: “”what delights both me and you?”) then you are building from fear.

My biggest problem with the speech I’ve seen Guy Kawasaki give would-be entrepreneurs “How can I take your money and get it into my pocket,” he says.

Then you’re on a habitraille you can’t get off until you change your very first underlying question. The fear breaks down to an assumption that what matters to me doesn’t matter to you. Therefore I must make stuff that “scales” that everyone will love NOT what makes sense to me. The emotional basis of this is “I can’t be myself and be loved.” That’s what the market is built on…what we create from our assumptions.

It’s just hard to believe that what we love and how we naturally are could be loved by others as well. Solution: day jobs we hate, alcohol and hockey stick graphs on start-up Powerpoints. It either sucks, or it’s a HUGE HIT.

Sustainable, happy living. An honest living (coincidentally the title of my work memoir in progress) is not either or thinking. You can have both. The answer to most either or questions is both. It’s a major mindset shift but once you make it, everything in your life looks different. And social media gives us the opportunity to connect more easily with more people. The barriers to approaching people are much lower. The barriers to being personal and genuine are culturally (and technologically) dissolving. And when you’re authentic, in public the opportunities that come are different. You can be filtered differently and you will filter differently.

You will see others for who they really and and you will be seen and feel seen. You will share what you genuinely care about and you’ll connect with others about the pieces of that that are valued by others too. Social media gives you that opportunity dozens of times a day. That gives you lots of feedback by which to observe the places of genuine intersection.

I want to keep exploring those places. That’s why I involve multiple guests on the Heather Gold Show and involve the whole room. More lines of thought and caring, more possibilities for intersection. Those nodes, they scale in a big way. But they are naturally the creation of many people. That’s how we find them collectively.

I’m not sure what to call them yet, but I’ve got a couple of contenders: truth and love.

Equality camp begins! We are so ready to set the homosexual agenda #eqcampsf

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009 |

Posted via email from heathergold’s posterous

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