Archive for the “life” Category

OMG WTF Srsly? San Francisco geeks rally against prop8

Monday, November 24th, 2008

No On 8 rally signs

give ’em hope and joy

Monday, November 17th, 2008

Stacey and Heather

The famed NBC commissary

Saturday, November 15th, 2008

NBC commissary

Somehow, when I heard Mel Brooks told stories about lunching with Cary Grant here, I pictures everyone in suits.

Harvey Milk speaks

Saturday, November 15th, 2008

575 Castro St. from FilmInFocus on Vimeo.

Words of inspiration from his grave and camera shop. This film was made my Jenni Olson on the set of Gus Van Sant’s MILK. This is the set of Harvey’s Castro Camera Shop.

I believe that if he were alive today Prop 8 would have been defeated. But his memory is alive as is the memory of every person who lives fearlessly. And hope will prevail. I am not afraid.

The Green Room photo – Scripps

Thursday, November 13th, 2008

Green Room at Scripps

Ahnold gives gays weightlifting advice, backs Courts overturning Prop 8

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

Post-Prop 8 hope via Marie Claire

Sunday, November 9th, 2008

So Prop 8 lost. Here’s an email we just received that brightened our day from one of the Devil-Ettes who danced at our wedding with me: So I was getting a mani-pedi, reading a magazine…

…because when else can I indulge in Lindsay Lohan gossip? I flipped to the back to read an article about newlyweds (of which I am still kind of one) and saw THIS gorgeous couple featured! (BTW, of the four couples featured, the rest were all boy-girl, and exactly zero of them were even half as glamorous as these two.) I hope the salon doesn’t mind I ripped up their Marie Claire.

You two are GORGEOUS! I can’t wait until the Supreme Court and the rest of Obamamerica catches up with you and makes you super-honestly-all-the-time-legal for now and forever. Kisses all around!

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

Live tweeting VH1’s Best of the 80s right now

Saturday, November 8th, 2008


Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

Thanks to Patrick, here’s puppies with human hands. Every bit as creepy as you’d guess.

Friday, November 7th, 2008


The folly of keyword ads without context. Recently married?

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

This was on the bottom on my Facebook feed tonight. 
Why yes, yes i was recently married. And potentially even more recently divorced, by people not in my marriage.

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

site by eyephonic