Archive for the “life” Category

My fave meal: old skul deli at Pancer’s in Toronto

Monday, September 29th, 2008

This is where my Grampa Moe used to take me when I was little. With vinegar for my chips!


Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

CDN/US elections – CBC Radio tomorrow 10 EST

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

US-Canada Border, originally uploaded by DJHeini.

I’ll be part of a panel talking about both elections on Sounds Like Canada. It’s a great, thoughtful crew with conservatives, liberals and conversationatives as I’d call myself. Not really the kind of convo that’s happening much in US MSM. No name calling at all and all the hockey references are affectionate.

For access outside Canada or in an office got to

chick question 2: If you feel really angry about something, are you comfortable publicly expressing it?

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008
or only after waiting a bit and seeing if that’s ok with others?

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

5 minute Wall St reality check on Congressional floor by kick ass woman rep. Marcy Kaptur

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

Maybe Obama should have picked Marcy Kaptur as his VP. 

She hits a grand slam on the Wall St bailout.
toque tip: A Sull

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

Sarah Palin actually loves polar bears.

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008
I managed to view an entire, video segment online from NOW | PBS (which was tougher to make it through than my morning run) about Sara Palin taking on the oil companies.
There was one fascinating new element in this segment and you’ll see it below. Yes, the polar bear pin.
Now i know why she opposed listing polar bears as an endangered species. They’re close to her heart all the time.

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

chick poll: Do we put stuff out on the web or wait for it to be perfect (a/k/a good enough)

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

Post other responses not included in the options in the the comments.
I’m trying to get stuff out and wondering if I’m the only one?

Take the poll.

Save My Marriage

Monday, September 22nd, 2008

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

My name is Barack Obama, and I am not afraid

Friday, September 19th, 2008
Moistened up my eyes and girded my heart a little.

Yeah, I know it’s kinda slick and everyone in it is beautiful, but the poem is great and the people…why don’t I see these people more often except on the street? The point, to me, is not that the dude running for President will save any of us, but that we are connected to each other. That we will have the government and culture we demand. And that we need to know each other and live fearlessly to value our lives. 

The decision to live fearlessly is the decision to not make decisions from fear. Not the control over any fear. It’s the feeling of safety and confidence that comes inside out. And it gets made stronger when we really see each other and our own natural goodness.

I realized the other day I’d become pretty obsessed with what is going on with the election and Sarah Palin in particular. I’ve decided to become pretty selective about the media I’m checking out lately because I want to come from strength  and hope, not fear. 

I am not afraid. 

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

Twitter Updates for 2008-09-18

Thursday, September 18th, 2008
  • Totally annoyed that the Homewreckers have a better website than the people fighting for my marriage. #
  • @nick: How do you fakeMike_FTW when @Mike_FTW has already faked himself? We’ve been Palin-ed! #
  • @Mike_FTW Is that you talking or my fantasy of John McCain? #
  • Continual Partial Attn Cont’d: Train conductor was texting when his train crashed #
  • Watching a face lift do sit ups next to me at the Y. Her personal trainer is like her dealer. #
  • Is there a tubemogul for gig listings? Anyone? #

Twitter Updates for 2008-09-17

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008
  • Social Networking beats pr0n #
  • Er, I meant “loan.” Apparently ineffective, unaccountable, gov’t funded big infrastructure (airlines, banks) is part of this “capitalism.” #
  • @davegray 1. have med bills covered 2. Recompense the peeps with money in the bank, but don’t make a free loan to the bank that’s f’d up. #
  • So bailouts are great if you’re a big bank but not if you are just a person who got sick and has medical bills? End bank welfare. #

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