Archive for the “life” Category

Emotional boost for Obama supporters and other people who like reality

Friday, September 12th, 2008

I fucking love this.

When you stand up to the bully, they get *meaner.* That’s because that’s all they have. The increasing mean-ness and gaslighting are a sign that they are weakening.

You don’t need the bully to begin to affirm the way you see things. You need to have the *confidence* in yourself and your experience of reality to take another step. You trust the force. You find that the bully has nothing left. Seriously. The witch will melt. *You discover that you, the real you exists separate and beyond the bully (a/k/a your deepest fears).* You stop *listening* to the bully and keep your attention focussed on your own joy and your own life. I’m mixing narrative metaphors but it’s getting late. You know what I mean.

The bully finds this musical theatre stuff to be too “gay” and by gay they mean weak. It is gay. (as Mel Brooks said “without gypsies, fags and Jews there is no theatre) And by gay I mean powerful and exuberant. And standing firm in its own truth. This is the great moment of every musical and story. I am here. Me. I, my true self, my soul, my dreams, my passion, my whatever you want to call it, cannot be killed.

(And it is not you the bully wants to kill. It is the part of himself he detests. And by you, I mean Barack Obama.)

via ASull.

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

Twitter Updates for 2008-09-11

Thursday, September 11th, 2008
  • Is it weird to look forward to a flight so you can get things done? #
  • @nick Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid, Murder by Death, High Anxiety #
  • Heirloom tomato salad in the hot tub. Feeling like I have much of the life I wanted without the “I have to make 10 MM so I can…” #
  • thanks @scottbeale fom switching me from twitterific to hahlo. Tweet move! #
  • Pearle wasn’t arguing with the man. He simply didn’t hear him. A narcissist cannot process the experiences of others except as projections. #
  • Richard Pearle is on the BBC insisting that Baghdad is secure and safe even after a man who lives in Baghdad and said it’s violent there. #
  • Wish I could remember who asked me today if I knew Jesse Thorn. Tired and happy after productive day. Even with all the Palin-nesss. #

Twitter Updates for 2008-09-10

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-09-09

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008
  • Just watched Matthews commentary on Obama on msnbc player and I swear to God they played an Oreo ad. Maybe not the best choice. #

I’ll be on CBC Radio tomorrow at 10:00am EST

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

We’ll be discussing the upcoming US and Canadian federal elections. You can listen in on any CBC station or online in the time zone of your choice.

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

Twitter Updates for 2008-09-08

Monday, September 8th, 2008
  • Great aft shooting with @Schlomo. Importing wedding 2.0 video and reading a CDN article on Palin + real hockey mums. #
  • @nick need to move burritos to 6:45 #
  • @laughingsquid: seems to me blahgirls is a show, not a start-up. You saw the pitch. what do you say? #
  • Canada’s election, the Britney and Obama factor #
  • Wondering if the peeps pissed Obama isn’t “fighting like Hillary would have” grok how he’d be dismissed as an “angry black man” if he did. #

Canada’s election, the Britney and Obama factor

Monday, September 8th, 2008
Talking to CBC Radio producers about the US / Canadian elections coming up. Yes, Canada’s PM just called an election. It’s like when Britney Spears gets press…the fastest way to get press is to talk about Britney Spears.

American translation: In a parliamentary system, a Prime Minister can call a federal election when she or he thinks it will be politically advantageous or necessary for her or his party. It will tough for conservative PM Harper if the economy hits the skids even worse and Obama wins.

Canadian translation: Britney Spears is the potential new VP nominee for the Democratic party in the US contemplating a response to recent Republican VP pick and so-called hockey “mom” Sarah Palin (her son who played hockey is already grown and out of the house and serving in the Middle East).

Posted by email from heathergold’s posterous

Twitter Updates for 2008-09-07

Sunday, September 7th, 2008
  • Just met a materials scientist and learned that the fascia all through your body is mainly collagen, it’s not just lips. #
  • At the first screenings of Ping Pong Playa. Big love to Jimmy Tsai accountant now comedy star. Go see it this week. Funny and fresh. #
  • #
  • Why would fat develop on the back of someone’s neck instead of their thighs? #
  • Thank you heat for getting me to play in the backyard with a hose for the first time in 30 years. Beats Wii. #

Twitter Updates for 2008-09-06

Saturday, September 6th, 2008
  • who wants to see jessica yu’s 1st feature with me at 7 in sf? I may get to interview her. All-Asian-Am feature long time coming. #
  • I didn’t go to Burning Man but I’m doing dust clean up. I must be married. Mormon Church…this is the gay marriage you fear…. #
  • We need Harvey Milk right now #

Twitter Updates for 2008-09-05

Friday, September 5th, 2008
  • Saw first Halal meat shop in the Mission today. Welcome! I watched a lot of the US God channel in India and the US needs Islam 101. #
  • Heading to No on 8 benefit so that my marriage can last longer than Bristol Palin’s. #
  • How do you get your good movie recommendations? #

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