Archive for the “shows” Category

Stonybrook, NY – 10/06/08

Monday, October 6th, 2008

Toronto , Ontario – 09/29/08

Monday, September 29th, 2008

Toronto , Ontario – 09/28/08

Sunday, September 28th, 2008


Friday, September 26th, 2008

Sex, Love, and Commitment – Listen to the show

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

While Heather is off getting formally committed in San Francisco, listen to the most recent show, recorded on June 12.  About halfway through, there’s a moment where everyone copped to being in love, and what that means.  A most adorable moment!

Sex, Love and Commitment

The Heather Gold Show: Process Over Outcome, May 12, 2008 – Listen to the podcast

Friday, May 16th, 2008

Listen to the full discussion about genetics, weaving, software development, democracy, risk management, and a process that encourages the inclusion of multiple points of views when making a decision. With Denise Caruso, Jesse Simons, Travis Meinolf and other guests.

The Heather Gold Show: Process Over Outcome, May 12, 2008 (mp3 file, 34 MB)

(Subscribe to the audio feed)

Oprah follows tHGS

Monday, May 5th, 2008

Oprah just announced at the end of her 10 weeks with Eckhart Tolle that she’ll be continuing the Monday night webcasts as her Soul Series. This is the name of her weekly XM Radio broadcasts covering the spiritual stuff she’s most passionate about, but that she doesn’t feel the TV audience is ready for. I’ve heard her say so on the Radio show.

This is powerful stuff for the web and connecting people through talk shows online which is at the heart of the Heather Gold Show (tHGS) mission. She even used the Ghandi quote about “being the change you wish to see in the world” which I used for the first few shows.

If you want people to connect, the web is really much more the right medium than pure television.


The Heather Gold Show – When Is Aggression a Sign of Weakness

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

Tibetan Rights activist Dechen Tsering,  holistic nutritionist Michael Macaluso, philosophy of law scholar Roger Berkowitz, and Heather Gold discuss China’s aggressive policy towards Tibet, the sources of aggression,  whether aggression is the same as violence, and more.  Listen to this fascinating disucssion in a talk radio format.

Listen Now (90 minutes, mp3)

“Are women less willing to speak their minds?”

Friday, April 11th, 2008

My friend Cheryl Dahle (a woman with a great mind to speak) has alerted me that this is a question Salon and Lindsay Campbell and the newsvlog Moblogic have asked.

I think its the wrong question to ask if your goal is to have more women’s opinions spoken in public. A more helpful question is: what helps women talk on camera?

Gossip @SXSW08 (audio podcast, 60 min.)

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Join me and chief Valleywag Owen Thomas, General Manager Alan Citron, NY Times reporter Shaila Dewan, twitter founder Ev Williams and surprise guest and Star on-air personality Julia Allison as we discuss Gossip at SXSW08.

This carousing panel featured so many great moments- Julia sitting on my lap, Shaila bursting Julia’s bubble about fact checking and “respectable” main stream media, and the genuine community response to the Mark Zuckerberg / Sarah Lacy keynote disaster….it’s worth watching the video as well.

Download the full podcast (60 minutes)

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