Archive for the “life” Category
Love the Bechdel test. Seeing Julie & Julia this year felt so striking and i realize this is why. There were women with other female friends in the movie. Women with ambition and creative lives. Unusual and shocking, like albino tigers.
(via Andrew Sullivan)
I’m profiled in a cool new site about chicks: No Country for Young Women. Their twitter feed rocks @NCYW #FF
Thursday, May 27th, 2010My list of inspirations and role models is so long that I could very well include them all.
Some more include: Richard Pryor, Eddie Izzard, Brigid Murphy and my parents.
My office today is the porch.
Wednesday, May 26th, 2010Your afternoon couples skate break : Cliff Richard & Olivia Newton-John
Tuesday, May 25th, 2010
I hope one of you can backward skate. Cliff was great at it.
Stuff We Need to Hear: Mama Cass -Make Your Own Kind of Music – (avec Sammy Davis intro!)
Sunday, May 23rd, 2010One theory why Rand Paul flailed: the death of local press
Sunday, May 23rd, 2010“The second point, which gets directly to why Rand Paul is suddenly flailing, is that the local Kentucky media–in particular the newspapers, and especially the flagship Louisville Courier-Journal–has beendecimated by job cuts, as has happened across the country. This came up several times in discussions with Kentucky politicos and local journalists. The reason it matters is that because there is no longer a healthy, aggressive press corps–and no David Yepson-type dean of political journalists–candidates don’t run the same kind of gauntlet they once did. They’re not challenged by journalists. And since voters aren’t as well informed as they once were (many are “informed” in the sense of having strongly held views about all manner of things–they’re just not “well informed”), they can’t challenge the candidates either.
Thus, when Rand Paul appeared on “Maddow” and the other shows, I expect he was prepared to offer the same sermon I heard on the trail. Problem is, he was encountering an aggressive, experienced press corps that appropriately had its own agenda and was eager to challenge Paul to elaborate on his views.
I must admit that, when I first heard the “diminished local press corps” theory of why Paul was skating by, I was not entirely convinced. I’m a lot more persuaded now, and as much as I’d have liked to see him Sunday on “Meet the Press,” I think he probably made a wise move in backing out. ”
–Joshua Green, The Atlantic
emotionalGTD: Why Keep an Accomplishments List
Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 (this app is SimpleNote and I learned this syncing note-y thing from Merlin)
I was trained to solve problems early. And notice what was wrong , what could be wrong and, with a lot of imagination, what could possibly go wrong.
These are all things that landed me in law skul and misery.
I’ve worked hard to undo the “going wrong” habit (hint: making things is a really brilliant antidote).
But my mind still tends to go to what is undone next and that leaves me feeling like nothing I’ve done is ever enough. I barely notice what I have done. So I’ve begun keeping an accomplishment journal. Before I got to bed, I write down what I did that day. Soon, I’ll work up to taking a moment to feel proud of these things.
I especially want to note things I did that I enjoyed, and ways I behaved that started a habit I want or were different than an emotional / mental habit I want to break. For me, that means creative time, meandering time, and relationship behaviours that are good for me/us are every bit as important as taking out the trash, show production or an administrative email or agreement. Actually, much more important.
Happy Time- Joni Mitchell, Mama Cass and Mary Travers sing I Shall Be Released
Friday, May 14th, 2010
I learned about this from @mxjustinbond’s birthday show. This is so full of #WIN. All three amazing women. ONe of my favourite songs. *And* those outfits.
We need another Mama Cass. Would the music business even let her have a career today?
I quote Ms. Joni Mitchell “They’re not looking for talent. They’re looking for a look and a willingness to cooperate. And a woman my age, no matter how well preserved, no longer has the look. And I have *never* had a willingness to cooperate.”
We need another Mama Cass. Would the music business even let her have a career today?
I quote Ms. Joni Mitchell “They’re not looking for talent. They’re looking for a look and a willingness to cooperate. And a woman my age, no matter how well preserved, no longer has the look. And I have *never* had a willingness to cooperate.”
ghost baby
Thursday, May 13th, 2010I have a ghost baby.Nothing real.
My consolation prize?A salami sandwich. Sticky rice, I thought you were real
I’ve been eating like food is my new job
It’s been like tasting 3-D, like Avatar
My breasts are exploding
My stomach is tight
And there’s something floating around inside of me, but it’s just ghost baby
Just a ghost, just a ghost
Just 9 weeks of fear and joy
And sharing it
And knowing there are always possibilities
And sure enough here they come
Possibility you make a lousy date. I never made plans for you sticky rice
They’re yours to make.
Still, I thought I’d got something done.
My consolation prize?A salami sandwich. Sticky rice, I thought you were real
I’ve been eating like food is my new job
It’s been like tasting 3-D, like Avatar
My breasts are exploding
My stomach is tight
And there’s something floating around inside of me, but it’s just ghost baby
Just a ghost, just a ghost
Just 9 weeks of fear and joy
And sharing it
And knowing there are always possibilities
And sure enough here they come
Possibility you make a lousy date. I never made plans for you sticky rice
They’re yours to make.
Still, I thought I’d got something done.
“I will not trouble myself to acknowledge the air” – Ta-Nehisi Coates
Wednesday, May 12th, 2010THIS. This is the best response to the usual “but what about me” response almost any minority (or woman) or any kind gets when making a specific point that is about their own experience.
from his comment stream following this nice piece by TNC on Obama on iPads, X-boxes and Black barbershop conservatism