Archive for the “shows” Category

My infamous Gossip panel @ SXSW08 (video 60 min.)

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

During my SXSW panel, “Gossip,” tech scene gossip-ee Julia Allison booed Chief Valleywag and gossiper Owen Thomas, then ended up joining our panel, sitting on my lap and became part of a carousing, unpredictable conversation that was twittered, liveblogged on Valleywag twice while it went on. Lane Becker called it “The best panel I’ve ever been to at SXSW.”

Until I can get it up in the nav, I’ll just let you know here: If you’d like to support my work, donate via paypal nosh at Thanks to JoCo for the inspiration to ask.

Monsanto did not drink farmer Percy Schmeiser’s milkshake (32 min)

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

Hear/Download the full audio podcast.(32 minutes)  |Subscribe Audio RSS|

Canadian farmer Percy Schmeiser stood his ground when Monsanto sued him for patent infringement almost 10 years ago. Just last week he won a landmark case in small claims court, forcing Monsanto to admit liability for the contamination of his crops. I spoke with Percy today and his story really enlightened me as to some of the risks of Genetically Modified Organisms which I’d not contemplated.

It’s not the just about “frankenfood.” It’s about what is done in order to create and own life in the service of near-term profits. When you hear Percy’s story, you’ll see how it’s not much different than the techniques Daniel Plainview used in There Will Be Blood. Monsanto’s legal right to patent a seed also means, based on Percy’s suit, that it is responsible for the consequences. Denise Caruso, started the Hybrid Vigor Institute for scientists because she found out that leading genetics researchers have no idea what the risks are based on what they’re creating.

Denise asks How we can focus on Process Over Outcome? for the live May tHG show.

The SXSW week in a nutshell

Monday, March 17th, 2008

What follows is an ungrammatical list of sorts. It reflects the elated tiredness. This is why I’m waiting until after a short break to energize and collect my thoughts to dig into the deeper stuff about SXSW and the video.

Here is a short, hazy trip through my happy mind:

Launched a new web site for The Heather Gold Show, 4 shows in 2 cities. Great, packed shows. One was live-blogged on Valleywag twice as it happened and was declared “The best panel at SXSW, ever,” one show included getting to sing Flagpole Sitta with Jonathan Coulton, then following on the show withSean Nelson, one of the guys who wrote it.
We will have some great video up soon.

 8 tacos. endless numbers of great geeks and conversations, 1 movie about Humboldt County (so-so), 1 short video made in our apartment last summer about mannequins (awesome),


Great show at SXSW last night

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008


DSCF2402.JPG, originally uploaded by ericlawrence.

That’s Sean Nelson of Harvey Danger, Jonathan Coulton and me enjoying their take on Billy Joel’s Don’t Ask Me Why.

We had a standing room only crowd and sitting room stage where we ran out of room for chairs for all the great guests. SXSW prompts indulgence. The audio and video will be up soon. More pix (thanks Eric Lawrence).

Join tHGS online tonight 8pm CST: Opting Out (now with Sean Nelson from Harvey Danger)

Monday, March 10th, 2008

The show is shaping up to be amazing. My Gossip panel here at SXSW yesterday was Off The Hook. I invited Julia Allison up to join us onstage and things went from there. We ended up on Valleywag while it was still going on, and having a racous, open discussion of the Zuckerberg/Lacy keynote trainwreck.

We’ll be posting the video of Gossip here and at I’ll also be posting about how SXSW could have avoided all the Keynote problems and why Presentations are Pointless. As the crowd at SXSW showed. Older notions of authority and presentation are outdated.

Great Press in the Austin Chronicle

Friday, February 29th, 2008

“What happens when talk show hosts stop being pushers for celebrity product and start getting real? Well, they look a lot like Heather Gold.” Read the rest.

Yes I’ll be hosting the Gossip “panel” at SXSW, and treating it like I do like every talk show.

My first employer New Line Cinema is dead.

Friday, February 29th, 2008

Yesterday Time Warner announced that New Line would stop operating as a stand-along unit within the company and that lots of people would be leaving, including the company founder Bob Shaye.

My first full-time job (beyond summers) was at New Line. It was an experience that changed my life. (more…)

Great moments on talk shows: Mel Brooks on Dick Cavett

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008

I’d embed the video but the NYT only wants you to click on over. Do it.

I love this for many reasons:

1. Mel Brooks is one of my heroes. I have a kiddush cup for him at every Seder. Mel, you’re welcome on tHGS anytime.

2. There is no desk.

3. Love those 1971 outfits.

5. Dick Cavett gives him a piece of goat cheese from his lunch. This is a gorgeous moment and super grounding. A Jew eating goat cheese from goyishe Cavett musing on a Yugoslavian dictator. Awesome.

People-powered talk show! We have #10!

Thursday, February 21st, 2008

The Heather Gold Show is going to be at SXSW on March 10th.

While I’m continuing to look for small company sponsors, I was challenged this afternoon by a colleague and vlogger Schlomo Rabinowitz : “If you can raise $200 from 10 people, I’ll be the 10th. Get off your tush.” It worked. I have less than a week.
#1 Schlomo Rabinowitz (February 19th, 6:00pm PST)

#2 Darius (February 19th, 6:01pm PST)

#3 Larry Lessig (February 19th, 6:04pm PST)

#4 Antoun Nabhan (February 19th, 7:15pm PST)

and #5 is…David Ulevitch (Feb 21st 7:10 EST) woo hoo!

and #6 is Thomas Merritt (Feb 21st 10:53 EST) wa ha hooie!

I awoke to a delightful inbox. Here my ladies at!

#7 is George Oates ( Feb 22nd 12:34am EST)

#8 Vincent Vaughn. ( Feb 22nd 1:11am EST) I swear it’s his real name. He’s from Kansas, MO. Wahoo!

We have a #9! It’s Erika Hall + Mike Monteiro! ( Feb 25th 9:13pm EST)

#10 is Wayne de Geere III (February 28th, 3:04pm EST)

Pay up Schlomo !

To keep the fun going and back the creation of the new mini-site which will launch right at this domain on March 10th and cost around $4000 smackeroos:

email subvert at subvert dot com or just hit the donate button to your right.

Micki’s List

#7 overall but really #1 is Micki Krimmel ( Feb 22nd 12:15am EST)

with the heart to respond to the spirit and not the letter of the Schlomo Challenge by: 1. tweeting me to put up a donate button, and 2. giving what is $200 to her: $20. She and thus receives special tHGS love and an anchor spot what will now be known as Micki’s List.

#2 is George Kelly ( Feb 22nd 1:10am EST) at $200 to him.

I <3 that + donated about an hour apart, presumably without knowing each other first is clearly a sign of destiny. Connection email forthcoming.

#3 is Sylvia LeMay ! (Feb 22nd 5:51am EST)

Want to get to be #4 on Micki’s List?

Schlomo’s challenge: bring tHGS to SXSW + make the list.

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

The Heather Gold Show is going to be at SXSW on March 10th.

While I’m continuing to look for small company sponsors, I was challenged this afternoon by a colleague and vlogger Schlomo Rabinowitz :”If you can raise $200 from 10 people, I’ll be the 10th. Get off your tush.” It worked. I have less than a week.

#1 Schlomo Rabinowitz (February 19th, 6:00pm PST)

#2 Darius (February 19th, 6:01pm PST)

#3 Larry Lessig (February 19th, 6:04pm PST)

#4 Antoun Nabhan (February 19th, 7:15pm PST)

and #5 is…David Ulevitch (Feb 21st 7:10 EST) woo hoo!

and #6 is Thomas Merritt (Feb 21st 10:53 EST) wa ha hooie!

I awoke to a delightful inbox. Here my ladies at!

#7 is George Oates ( Feb 22nd 12:34am EST)

#8 Vincent Vaughn. ( Feb 22nd 1:11am EST) I swear it’s his real name. He’s from Kansas, MO. Wahoo! He tweets “Love you. Love your show.” It’s working. The indie show is working!

We have a #9! It’s Erika Hall + Mike Monteiro! ( Feb 25th 9:13pm EST)

#10 is Wayne de Geere III! (February 28th, 3:04pm EST)

To keep the fun going and back the creation of the new site (we’re going from seedling to sprout) email subvert at subvert dot com, or donate right now.

Micki’s List

#7 overall but really #1 is Micki Krimmel ( Feb 22nd 12:15am EST) with the heart to respond to the spirit and not the letter of the Schlomo Challenge by: 1. tweeting me to put up a donate button, and 2. giving what is $200 to her: $20. She and thus receives special tHGS love and an anchor spot what will now be known as Micki’s List.

#2 is George Kelly ( Feb 22nd 1:10am EST) at $200 to him. I <3 that + donated about an hour apart, presumably without knowing each other first is clearly a sign of destiny. Connection email forthcoming.

#3 is Sylvia LeMay
Want to get to be #3 on Micki’s List?

email subvert at subvert dot com, or donate right now.

site by eyephonic